A Little Darkness on the Edge of Town: Talking True Crime in New Jersey

  MWA members and the public gathered on February 7 at the Montclair Women’s Club in New Jersey for “Behind The Darkness: True Crime,” panel discussion moderated by Dawn Barclay. The panel, comprising Elizabeth Kerri Mahon, David Bushman, and Russ Colchamiro, peeled back the layers on this terrifying and addictive genre. There was a wonderful exchange of ideas with the […]

Get an Earful . . . of CRIME!

Can’t get enough crime stories from magazines, books, and cable TV? Well, they say video killed the radio star, but that case was never closed. And now rumors of the radio star’s demise seem very premature. Especially now that we have podcasts. A podcast is a digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to your computer or portable media


That night at dinner (it was four years ago, but I remember it is as if were yesterday) a beauty pageant queen, a truly delightful young woman, dressed in her sash and crown taught us how to fold our napkin to look like a turkey. It was a dark and stormy night (I’ve always wanted to write that, but it