Members: Join the MWA-NY Winter Revels on Dec. 16

Our virtual party this year features games, prizes, flash fiction and drink recipes to enjoy from the comfort of home! This season, members are invited to our Winter Revels, a free and entirely virtual way to celebrate with your mystery community. With chances to submit flash fiction, submit mystery-inspired drinks recipes and play games, the event holds lots to reward […]

CrimeCONN Express: Walter Mosley and S.A. Cosby together Nov. 19

Covid might try, but nothing stops aspiring mystery writers and serious fans from staying current with the crime fiction world. CrimeCONN Express is here to help. Based on the popular Mystery Writers of America/Ferguson Library CrimeCONN series, Express will present five one-hour virtual events, one a week every Thursday at 7 p.m. over five weeks, beginning October 22. Moderators and

Growing Up Mysterious: Juvenile and Young Adult Crime Fiction – October virtual panel

Growing up is a mystery. So perhaps it’s not surprising that people have been reading and enjoying juvenile and young adult mysteries for more than a century. Our panelists all write, or write about, girl sleuths, in stories that span a hundred years of American history. While these young women solve crimes in their community, the authors tackle important social/political

September chapter meeting: Open mic members’ reading

For our September chapter meeting, our virtual reading series continues with our members’ open mic. This virtual event takes place on Sept. 16 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. The theme for readers: What I Wrote This Summer. Want to read? The event can accommodate 12 readers. To request a slot at the reading, please email no later than Sept. 12. Want to watch? The readings

Aspiring mystery writers invited to apply for Leon B. Burstein Scholarship

Aspiring writers in mystery and its sub-genres: Now’s the time to apply for the Leon B. Burstein Scholarship. Applications are open until Oct. 7, 2020. And if you know an aspiring writer who could benefit, please share this with them! The scholarship offers financial support to aspiring mystery writers who live in the six states served by our chapter—Conn., Del.,

Six-word mystery contest from Rocky Mountain chapter

Here’s some information about a fun contest run by our fellow chapter out west: The 4th Annual RMMWA Six-Word Mystery Contest. Using only six words, write a mystery that fits one of five categories: Cozy, Hard-Boiled/Noir, Police Procedural, Romance/Lust and Thriller. Six dollars to enter one category, or submit to all five for $10. Complete information will be posted at on Sept.

Chapter members read online Aug. 11

Join the Mystery Writers of America, New York Chapter, for another thrilling night of chilling crime fiction read by our talented members. The August 11 KGB reading will be held online. NO REGISTRATION IS NECESSARY. The reading will be streaming live at 6 PM on Tuesday, 8/11/2020: On our Facebook page: MWA-New York Our Youtube channel: MWA-NY Go to the

What’s Happening, 2020

Welcome all! Here’s what we’ve got planned for 2020 – so far! Please watch this page for further updates. And please don’t hesitate to send us news of your own events and signings! 2020 Meeting Calendar Wednesday, January 8 – 6:00 p.m. Member meeting, Tryp Hotel, 345 W. 35th St. Wednesday, February 5 – 6:00 p.m. Member meeting, Tryp Hotel,

Red By Name, Fishy By Nature

If one thinks about it, a writer is a conjurer and a liar at heart. He or she is always observing and listening—casing the jointin a literary sense. Every snippet of overheard conversation, every situation is hoarded away like ill-gotten loot in the nether regions of a writer’s mind. It may lay dormant for a while, but the idea is

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