The Mystery of the Unsigned Pledge

I pledge allegiance to my Flag and to the Republic for which it stands – one Nation indivisible – with liberty and justice for all. That’s the original version – by whom? It was a mystery for half a century until a young woman in Portsmouth, Virginia, solved it. At this moment in time when our country’s basic principles are […]

Murdoch Mysteries

Tired of gritty, violent cop shows? Had enough of today’s most heinous crimes retold in thinly disguised fiction?  Need a show with wit and style? Want to escape back to a more genteel time?  If you haven’t discovered this polished gem, it’s not too late to get in on the action. At first glance, Murdoch Mysteries might appear British, but,

The Votes Are In

Every year a new board of directors for the chapter is voted in by Active members. The election ran from late November 19 to December 15, 2017, and the votes are in. The chapter president for 2018 is Jeff Markowitz (pictured), author of the award-winning black comedy Death and White Diamonds. In his ballot statement, Markowitz said, “Fifteen years ago, knowing

Mug Shot: Lucie Whitehouse

Lucie Whitehouse was born in Warwickshire, England, read Classics at Oxford University, and now lives in Brooklyn, New York. She writes full time and has contributed features to the Times, the Sunday Times, the Independent, Elle, and Red. She is author of The House at Midnight, The Bed I Made, and Before We Met. •     •     • In your

Are You MWAing the Right Way?

If you’re not checking your chapter website regularly, then you’re not MWAing the right way. But you’re here now, so that’s good. If you’re not also following your chapter on Facebook and Twitter and Yahoo, then you’re not MWAing the right way. If you’re not taking advantage of as many organization benefits as possible (see this list here), then you’re

Professor-Writer: Living the Dream?

You probably figured it out in grade school: Hey, waitaminute, Ms. Prisco only works ’til three in the afternoon. And then she’s got summers off. Ain’t that swell! Teachers sure got it easy. Then when you attended college, this idea was magnified: Say, wouldn’t it be peachy just to teach for an hour or two a day — you’d have

What If Jack the Ripper. . .

What if Jack the Ripper were alive today? Would he use Twitter? Would he understand it? What if Jack the Ripper were alive in the 1950s and became a cardigan-wearing crooner? Would his music be any good? Would people think all the stabbing references unromantic? Imagine the holiday specials. What if Jack the Ripper shot JFK? Has that been done

Mug Shot: Kellye Garrett

Kellye Garrett spent eight years working in Hollywood, including a stint writing for the CBS drama Cold Case. Having moved back to her native New Jersey, she spends her mornings commuting to Manhattan for her job at a leading media company. Her first novel, Hollywood Homicide, was released in August of this year. It was a Library Journal Debut of the

Why? Why? Why?

I’m sure all the writers out there have been asked some variation of this question: Why did you become a writer? And I’m sure we’ve all given thoughtful answers. I know I’ve given my share of what I believed were honest answers and hoped were interesting ones, too. But when I really think about this question, the most honest answer

For the Love of Noir

Ask a roomful of writers or filmmakers to define what constitutes “noir” and you’ll get a roomful of answers. At one time or another, I’ve heard or read: it’s about the discontent of humanity, it’s about losers, it glorifies losers, everyone gets screwed, the subversion of justice, villains as heroes, even that old chestnut, “the dark night of the soul.”

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