New BJ Gleeson Mystery from Tom Ludden

The fourth novel in the Tom Ludden’s BJ Gleeson Mystery Series was published in March of 2024. “Death on the Grand Strand”: During their routine of dragging the ponds to retrieve lost golf balls at

Elizabeth Mannion Coauthoring Samuel R. Delany Reference Guide

Elizabeth Mannion has taken a brief departure from books about crime writing to coauthor ‘”Samuel R. Delany: A Reference Guide to His Life and Works,” an encyclopedic volume of the science fiction grand master, Afrofuterist, and

New from Leona Upton Illig: Erawan: A Reckoning in Laos

In Leona Upton Illig’s new thriller, Erawan: A Reckoning in Lais (Three Villages Media), a group of Americans in post-war Laos try to overcome obstacles to create a new American-Lao rapprochement. But they discover that

Delia Pitts launches news series from Minotaur Books

Delia Pitts’s new series launches July 16 with publication of TROUBLE IN QUEENSTOWN by Minotaur Books. In this contemporary mystery, private eye Vandy Myrick confronts political pressure and buried family secrets as she works to