Elizabeth Mannion Coauthoring Samuel R. Delany Reference Guide

Elizabeth Mannion

Elizabeth Mannion has taken a brief departure from books about crime writing to coauthor ‘”Samuel R. Delany: A Reference Guide to His Life and Works,” an encyclopedic volume of the science fiction grand master, Afrofuterist, and literary theorist. It is forthcoming by Rowman & Littlefield as part of its “Significant Figures in World History” series and offers an overview of Delany’s fiction, essays, public talks, and interactions with leading writers and icons, from W. H. Auden to Wonder Woman. It is te first comprehensive guide to the scope of Delany’s presence in American letters, literary, and popular culture. The alphabetical listing is organized to maximize reader accessibility, with cross-references that allow for exploration of his intertextual and intracultural reach. His biography is also meticulously detailed with entries on his grandfather Henry Beard Delany (born enslaved and the first Black bishop of the Episcopal Church), aunts Sarah and Bessie Delany (the celebrated sisters of “Having Our Say: The Delany Sisters’ First 100 Years”), parents (into whose home many leaders of the Harlem Renaissance were welcomed), and the vast cultural landscape with which he has engaged for over five decades.