The mystery instinct: Using elements of the genre in all kinds of writing

Authors Leanna Renee Hieber and Philip Cioffari, authors who work outside the genre, explore the elements of mystery in all kinds of writing during the Oct. 6 chapter meeting at 6 p.m on Zoom. Leanna Renee Hieber is an actress, playwright, artist and the award-winning author of Gothic Victorian Fantasy novels for adults and teens such as the Strangely Beautiful, Eterna Files, […]

MWA-NY fall event plans: Readings, meetings and open slots for Brooklyn Book Fest

Like everything else this year, this post may well end up filed under “Man plans, and God laughs,” but I’d like to update everyone on the board’s plans for events through fall 2021. We will continue with our monthly virtual chapter meetings and panels via Zoom from 6-8 p.m. on first Wednesdays—Oct. 6 and Nov. 3.  We have scheduled a live Revels for Dec.