What Are the Elements of a Great PI Series?

What Are the Elements of a Great PI Series? by Alex Segura I didn’t think I was writing a series when I started working on my debut novel, Silent City. At that point, I was flying blind, toying with the idea of writing my very own crime novel in the same vein as the books that inspired me. But as […]

Five Bits of Writing Advice That May or May Not Work For You

Five Bits of Writing Advice That May or May Not Work For You By Rob Hart   I want to open this with a caveat: Not all writing advice is good advice. Because it’s all subjective. Like how some people will tell you the only way to be successful is to write every day. I don’t believe that. I don’t

Writing Routines: Work or Sleep?

This post appeared in slightly different form on the crime fiction site Do Some Damage on April 3, 2018. *** I remember reading years ago that Jerzy Kosinski had an unusual writing routine. During every twenty four hour period, he would sleep twice for four hours.  This allowed him to work during the quietest times of the night and early

A Favorite, Though Offbeat, PI Film

This piece appeared in slightly different form on Criminal Element. The opening of Robert Benton’s private eye film The Late Show is chock-full of deception. We first see the Warner Brothers logo, but it’s not the Warner logo of 1977, the year the film was released. It’s a sepia colored 1940’s era Warner logo, and right away we hear soft 40’s style piano music

Structure: How Sweet It Is

Sometimes, on panels or at book club visits, I’m asked, “Why mysteries?” Other than that I love to read them, that I grew up spending hours in the company of yet another Agatha Christie or Dick Francis, I like to reply that mysteries, and crime fiction in general, provide the satisfaction of structure. Crime fiction demands a beginning, middle, and

Fake News is Good News for Mystery Writers

“Ripped from the headlines!” “Inspired by a real story.” “Some of what follows is true…” These are all familiar phrases that many mystery authors – including myself – have used to describe the murderous plots we write about in our books. On the face of it, this sure seems like a pretty nifty concept. Find a sensational crime in the

Finding Cultural Diversity in Mystery Novels

While it is possible to find mysteries, from fluffiest to darkest, that take place in the author’s version of never-never land, I prefer mysteries set in some semblance of the real world. There, diversity equals reality. How do we incorporate the varied world around us–races, disabilities, sexual identities and so on–into our storytelling? And how do we do it accurately

On the Case: 5 Questions for Detective Derick Waller

In this installment of “On the Case,” we talk to Detective Derick Waller, who is one of the NYPD 12, a group of minority officers who sued New York City and the department in 2016 over the use of illegal and discriminatory arrest quotas. Detective Waller retired from the NYPD on August 31, 2016, after serving 21-3/4 years. He is

Why I Write

Like most writers I know, I write because I have to. Not the kind of have to where you’re going to die if you don’t.  Or even the kind of have to because if you don’t you can’t pay the bills and you’ll starve to death and so will your family and then you’ll be thrown out on the street