Mug Shot: Amy M. Reade

Amy M. Reade is a cook, chauffeur, household CEO, doctor, laundress, maid, psychiatrist, warden, seer, teacher, and pet whisperer. In other words, a wife, mother, and recovering attorney. But she also writes and is the author of The Malice Series (The House on Candlewick Lane, Highland Peril, and Murder in Thistlecross) and three standalone books, Secrets of Hallstead House, The Ghosts of Peppernell Manor, and House of the Hanging Jade.

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What are you currently working on?
I am currently working on three projects: first, a contemporary gothic mystery set in London. It features characters my readers have come to know in the first three books of my Malice series, plus a few new faces. Second, I’m working on a new project which doesn’t even have a working title yet. All I can tell you right now is that it’s a mystery set in Washington, D.C., in the present day and that I plan to make it the first in a new series. Third, I’m working on a cozy mystery with a Christmas theme.

When and how do you find time to write?
I write every day, usually in the afternoons. I’m up at the crack of dawn, but I’m usually not able to get much writing done in the first half of the day. I use the mornings to work on marketing, promotions, answer emails, and check up on the blogs I follow.

How much and what kinds of marketing do you personally do?
I do marketing on social media several times daily (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram are my favorites), but I also blog every Tuesday (my blog is called Reade and Write, and I interview lots of authors and readers, recommend books, and write posts about topics I find interesting). I spend a good deal of time reading other writers’ blogs, and I comment frequently. I’ve found that’s a great way to meet people and I’ve also been invited to do lots of guest blogs just because I’m an engaged commenter. I also do readings, library talks, school talks, book signings, conferences, book festivals, and book clubs. I’m sure there are things I’m forgetting. As far as I’m concerned, there’s no better way to engage with readers than in person. I only wish I had enough time and money to travel more to meet readers.

These efforts seem to work for me, but like every other author, I’m still searching for that holy grail that will see my marketing results skyrocket. I think the best approach to marketing is one that involves a combination of lots of different activities.

What fictional detective would you like to be and why?
I don’t even need to think about it — Nancy Drew. She’s got good friends, a well-placed father, a housekeeper who loves her, an awesome car, a great wardrobe, and she’s smart. She always finds a way to get out of danger while still keeping her cool and she always gets the bad guy.

In five words or less, what advice would you give to aspiring writers?
Work hard; don’t give up.