Promoting Your Book

Most people who have a book published don’t have a big publicity machine behind them. As a result, most of the promoting for their book they have to do themselves. Everyone, it seems, is searching for that magic promotional formula that will get their book the widest possible exposure.  But in a market saturated not only with novels in general […]

How Hard Should You Try to Get an Agent?

The question of whether you should put a lot of effort into getting an agent to represent you may seem like a silly question. Writers who do not have agents frequently refer in conversation to their attempts to get one. Writers who do have agents mention this fact often in conversation, and any time they have a new book published or have

Mug Shot: Jon McGoran

Jon McGoran is the author of six novels including the Doyle Carrick biotech thrillers Drift, Deadout, and the newest releases, the novel Dust Up, and the novella Down to Zero, all from Tor/Forge. Writing as D. H. Dublin, he is the author of the forensic thrillers Body Trace, Blood Poison, and Freezer Burn. He has written a number of crime, horror and science fiction short stories and novellas, as well as essays on food and agriculture.