Homicide for the Holidays

As I write this, Thanksgiving is a recent memory and Christmas a (relatively) distant event. It hasn’t even snowed yet in an unseasonably warm city. This is my last blog post, and my thanks to MWA-NY for the opportunity to expound on a few favorite subjects. I hope I’ll see you at the Winter Revels on December 2. The Lee […]

Revel without a Pause/Hearing Voices

This past Saturday, a number of MWA-NY members met to assemble the gift bags which will be given to all who attend our Winter Revels on December 2. Lots of swag—books and magazines, yes, but also a few surprises. With the gift bag, the food and drink, and the chance to congregate and indulge in convivial conversations, it’s safe to say

Death in the Footlights

Crime and the theater have always had a mutually beneficial relationship. As an extremity of human behavior, crime is dramatic. We see this in plays that we might not immediately think of as mysteries. Oedipus Rex, of course, and Medea, which could be viewed as an ancient Cornell Woolrich revenge story—The Bride Wore Poison. O’Neill’s Mourning Becomes Electra is, among other


Carrie Smith has won writing awards and a fellowship to the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown. Her debut mystery novel is SILENT CITY. In this Mug Shot profile, she lets us in on her writing routine and who some of her favorite authors are.