Mug Shot: Nina Mansfield

Nina Mansfield is a Greenwich, CT-based writer. Her YA mystery novel Swimming Alone was recently published by Fire & Ice. Her short fiction has appeared in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine and Mysterical-E. Her plays have been produced throughout the United States and internationally, and are published by Smith and Kraus, One Act Play Depot, YouthPlays and Original Works Publishing.

  1. What is your writing routine?

I’m wildly undisciplined and my writing hours are erratic. In an ideal world I would write for several hours each morning, but these days I must balance writing with diaper changes and stroller walks, so writing tends to happen late at night. When I am in the midst of a project, I tend to get obsessed and write every free moment that I can. Otherwise, I do a lot of thinking. An idea will often stew in my brain for a long time until I need to drop everything and write.SwimmingAlonefrnt_2.17970127_std

  1. Tell us about your current project.

I’m working on another YA novel. Like Swimming Alone, this book also takes place near the water — the Long Island Sound in this case. I’ve always been drawn to bodies of water as a source of inspiration. This book has a paranormal element, which has been thrilling to explore.

  1. Which writers, living or otherwise, would you host at a dinner party and why?

Lois Duncan and Joan Lowery Nixon, because their books made me want to write; P.D. James, Gillian Flynn, Tana French, and Laurie R. King, because I’ve enjoyed books by them recently, so I think it would be cool to chat; and Agatha Christie (do I really need a reason?).

  1. What do you enjoy about your MWA membership?

The events and the opportunities. Getting to read my work at KGB Bar was a blast!
