10290619_790183577705969_5507137293081931757_nAfter our Revels holiday party in December, we found ourselves with some extra holiday gift bags. These snazzy bags were stuffed with new crime fiction paperbacks, a hardcover or two, the latest issues of several crime magazines, and a lovely MWA-NY mug. President Emerita Patricia King came up with the excellent idea of sending these extra gift bags to members far and wide who could not attend the Revels. We chose members who had mailed in ballots for our recent election and picked anonymously from the stack of envelopes (with return addresses from out of town).

Richard Ciciarelli was one of the lucky recipients. He wrote to say, “This books will come in handy this winter when there isn’t much to do here in Phelps except shovel snow and read.”

“What a rare treat,” wrote Marolyn Caldwell. “I got Harlan Coben. He’s one of my favorite  writers.”

And Caroline Crane Kiyabu, who took a while to pick up the package because she had the flu, wrote,  “How very nice of you to send all those goodies. They should speed my recovery no end.”

—Richie Narvaez
President, MWA-NY